How to find us

Map showing the location of the Derwent Business Centre...
From the M1 take junction 25 and travel down the A52 towards Derby

The roundabout at the bottom of the A52 is called the 'Pentagon', you need to get into the right hand lane and take the third turning to the left (second turning not indicated on the map), the A61 - Sir Frank Whittle Rd

Turn first left, left again, follow the road round the right hand corner, under a railway bridge and then first right into Clarke St. The Derwent Business Centre is located at the bottom of Clarke St as indicated on the map

Juliet Hemingray Church Textiles - Supplies stoles, preaching scarves/tippets, budget stoles, banners, altar frontals, pulpit falls, clerical shirts, copes, chasubles, mitres, fabric, brocades, braids, trimmings and other vestments and religious regalia..

Members of    The Guild of Master Craftsmen..   Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Clothing and Textiles..  Business Software Alliance.. The Guild of Master Craftsmen..
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All designs © Juliet Hemingray Church Textiles
Modified: February 14, 2009 20:41