
We are displaying at the following theological colleges and courses throughout 2013:
Westminster College, Cambridge
--- Thursday 14th February 2013, Westminster College, Cambridge
Cranmer Hall
--- Tuesday 19th February 2013, St John's College, Durham
--- Tuesday 26th February 2013, Cuddesdon, Oxford
St. Stephen's House
--- Wednesday 27th February 2013, St. Stephen's House, Oxford
St. John's College
--- Monday 4th March 2013, St. John's College, Nottingham
Rydal Hall
--- Friday 8th March 2013, Rydal Hall, Cumbria
Mirfield College
--- Wednesday 10th April 2013, Mirfield College, Mirfield, West Yorkshire
Catholic Network Conference
--- Friday 19th - 21st April 2013, The Hayes, Swanwick
Christian Resources Exhibition
--- Tuesday 14th - 17th May 2013, Sandown Park, Esher
York Diocesan Conference
--- Monday 3rd - 5th June 2013, The Hayes, Swanwick
Gloucester Diocesan Conference
--- Monday 10th - 12th June 2013, The Hayes, Swanwick
Birmingham Diocesan Conference
--- Monday 17th - 20th June 2013, The Hayes, Swanwick
Retford Heritage Day
--- Saturday 14th September 2013, Venue TBC